국가명 Country | 베트남 Vietnam |
사업명 Title | 베트남 홍강델타 쌀가치사슬향상상사업 Rice Value Chain Improvement Project in Red River Delta, Vietnam |
사업기간 Duration | 2020.12 ~ 2024.12 |
발주처 Ordering Organization | MAFRA/Korea Rural Community Corporation(KRC) |
사업내용 Project Contents | The purpose of this project is to analyze the current situation and problems of rice input, rice cultivation, post-harvest processing, storage, processing, and distribution in the rice industry in the southern Mekong Delta region as well as the northern Red River Delta region, which is one of the granaries of Vietnam, to suggest improvement measures for each stage of the value chain. This project was designed to expand the improvement measures to the site in order to improve the income of Vietnamese rice farmers by establishing and operating a pilot project complex in Thai Binh Province. |
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